Saturday, January 1, 2011

Purge and Organize

One of my favorite things to do is to create art.  The form varies....quilts, wallinghangings, cards, scrapbook pages.  I'm not really good at it, but I enjoy it so much.  My favorite place to work is my "art studio".  I use the term loosely.  To me an art studio means you create art and make money from it. Something I do not do!!!   But my friend Renie assures me that the only qualification to be a studio is that you make something while you're in it! 

Unfortunately, I haven't been making too much of anything lately.  Why?  Because I have so much in my tiny "studio" that I can't find anything.  I have to move mountians of stuff in order to get to the sewing machine, Cricut machine and/or cutting table.  As a somewhat organized individual, this drives me crazy!  (There are some people who may call me anal! Whatever!!!).  The hardest part  for me was determining why  this happened in the first place.  The answer:  I simply outgrew my current organization system.

So, I decided this Christmas break I would purge and reorganize the "studio".  First I went to visit my buddy Kim.  She creates beautiful pieces out of a closet!!  So, I took notes about her system.  (BTW, if I'm anal, then there is no word for her!!!!)  I decided what I needed and hit the after Christmas sales at Michael's and Hobby Lobby.  Lots of money and containers later, I was equipped with what I needed.  What a job!  I spent hours going through every drawer and container in the room.  I sorted 1000s of pieces of cardstock and paper.  I made piles after piles of stuff only to re-sort them again.  I priced and boxed up items for the annual Marne Yard Sales in June.  I threw things away....don't worry I recycled everything I could!

Finally, at 2:20 p.m. on New Year's Day, I am officially done!  It looks spectular and I really think I created a place that I can  be happy in.  It may take a few days to remember where I put everything, but I do think it will be better.  I just sit in the middle of the room and smile.  I can't wait to get to work in there.

Unfortunately, there is a down side to my accomplishment.   I spent my entire break organizing and purging the "studio"  Normally I spend my break sewing and carding.  It's my way of relaxing from the hustle and bustle of the holiday season.   Well, I have to go back to work in 36 hours!  Once school starts on Monday, I won't have the time to do much in the "studio".  Now I will have to wait until Spring Break  to spend some quality time with my Cricut and sewing machines!
Of course, being a teacher in Ohio, there is always a chance of a snow day. May be there will be one on Monday!!!!

Make every day count....


  1. welcome to the blogging world! I love your post. Whenever I clean like that I find tons of projects I've been meaning to finish.

  2. Good for you!!! Perhaps you could come and help me organize my messy space??? I must however, correct a statement in your first ARE good at creating stuff!!! I've seen it; I know!! Here's hoping you get at least one snow day to play in your new organized studio!!
