Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Laters, Baby!

For some of you,  you have no idea the meaning behind  Laters, Baby!  And for some you, you know exactly what that means!   In fact the minute you read it, you were chomping at the bit to see where this blog post was going to go!  Either way, we all should be blushing!

So, what's the story behind Laters, Baby?!?!?!?!  It is a common salutation used in the book, '50 Shades of Grey' by E.L. James.  If you don't know what 50 Shades is then you either live under a rock or you are too embarrassed to admit that you do!  Some people would describe it as pornography.  In fact the State of Florida banned the books in its public libraries.  They have since rescinded that order and all of the gray hairs can now check it out at their local branchs.  Hopefully their pacemakers can handle it.  Now, the books definitely have numerous and graphic sex scenes in it.  It really dives into the world of BDSM.  But as I read the series, I found that it was so much more than that.  It really is a study in relationships:  romantic, family, mother/son, sexual, physical, emotional, work, sibling.  I found myself rooting for the main characters, Christian and Ana to find a way to make their relationship work.  I wanted them to find a balance that would let  them have a healthy, loving relationship.  I was also so  surprised by the twists and turns in the books.  They  kept me on the edge of my seat.  In fact the sex scenes really became more of a subplot plot rather than the main plot.  I often found myself skimming over the sex scenes in order to get to the more exciting parts of the book.  If you want to read some fiction that explores the human psyche, I recommend the books. You'll become more aware of how our childhoods can guide/scar us in our adult lives.  If you are looking for beach trash, I would also recommend them.  I would, however, caution anyone about reading it in public if it's not on an e-reader!  Everyone will know what you are up to if they see the book cover.  If you are highly offended by graphic sex, please do not pick it up! By page 100, you'll be dropping the book to the floor because your hands will feel as if they were burnt!  I'm just saying.  If you do read them, please let me know what you think.  So far, most of the people I've talked to are in agreement with me that it really is about the mind and not about the body.  Side note:  the books are so popular that there now 3 other authors who are getting in on the money, and they have written books very similar to 50 Shades.  From what I've heard and read, those others are heavy on the sex and light on substance.

Now if you are disgusted by the whole '50 Shades' trilogy, fear not.   I do have a few other recommendations for your summer reading pleasure.  Some of them are fiction and some are non-fiction!

1.  After the Wall by Jana Hensel.  This book is about the forgotten  East German generation after the fall of the Berlin Wall.  Jana was 13 when the wall came down.  It's her story about the difficulties of assimilating into another culture from the East to the West.    She compares it to the Native Americans and being force to  forget your culture on your own soil.  It's a bit of hard read if you're not familiar with the historical events of the fall of East Germany.   However, the book does give a timeline at the beginning.  I also suggest reading the notes after the book first.  It will help.

2.  My Year With Eleanor by Noelle Hancock.  This is another non fiction book, but reads like a novel.  It is about one young woman's journey to face a fear everyday of her life for one year.  I loved it and it really made me think about my own life's fears.

3.  Spring Fever by Mary Kay Andrews.  MKA is one of my favorite authors.  She loves to write about southern ladies who seek revenge when they are done wrong.  Nothing like reading about a prim and proper debutante who yells "No you didn't"!  Take cover when she abandons her Southern charm and goes for the bitch slap!  If you don't laugh out loud when you read MKA's books.......!  BTW, my all time favorite is Hissy Fit!

4.  Saving CeeCee Honeycutt by Beth Hoffman.  I just finished this one last night and I'm still feeling the 'book hangover'.  A wonderful story  about a 13 year old girl who loses her mentally ill mother and goes to live with an eccentric aunt in Savannah, Georgia.  It is a beautiful story about strong women and the healing powers they have. In fact, I even pulled a few quotes out of the book and posted to my Facebook account!  Powerful stuff!   I'm actually going to recommend this book to the Women's Literature class at the school I work in.  (yes, a teacher read the 50 Shades series!  Scandalous, I know!)

5.  Death Comes to Pemberly by P.D. James.   It is a sequel to 'Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen.  It was so much fun to revisit the Bingleys, Darcys and Bennets.  If you're a fan of Pride and Prejudice, this is a must read!

6.  A Dog's Journey by Bruce Cameron.  This is the sequel to 'A Dog's Purpose'.  If you are a dog lover, these books are a must read.  I had the ugly cry going on by page 26!  Luckily, I had Miss Sophie by my side to lick away my tears.  Thanks girl!

I could go on and on with more recommendations.  For me books are a drug!  If I am separated from my Nook, I begin to shake from the withdrawal!  I think I've given you a variety of books that will whet just about any book appetite.  Let me know what you think of the books if you should decide to read one of them.  I'd love to know.  Also, I'm always looking for good books to add to my list, so let me know what I'm missing!  Happy Reading Everyone!

Laters, Baby...........
PS:  So, I was at an Educator's Workshop last week.  While in the elevator with a few acquaintances and some complete strangers, one of those acquaintances says, "So who has read 50 Shades of Grey?" was obvious who had and who hadn't.  I started off giggling and ended up snorting with laughter!  I guess elevator rides will never be the same again!  Thanks Christian and Anastasia!