Wednesday, March 27, 2013

No One to Blame But Myself

I believe in living healthy and taking care of one's self.  The problem is I don't walk the walk!  So when I went for my yearly physical with Dr. E. today, I had no one to blame for the outcome but myself.  You see when I went last year  my cholesterol and blood pressure were borderline high.  I also was overweight.  He gave me 6 months to lower my weight and stats through exercise and diet.  I promised him I would and jumped off of the table and went on my way.  I had a vision in my head of what I would do and how I would do it.

Well, one year later, I am still overweight.  My cholesterol and blood pressure are still borderline high.  I still have the vision in head.  Now the good news is my weight was down by 5 pounds! I'm still 40 pounds over weight, but whatever!  Let's just enjoy the victories no matter how small they are.  So Dr. E asked what I've done to try to get healthier.  When I said I've eaten healthy the last two days, he didn't laugh!  I told him I can see myself eating great nutritious meals.  I can see myself working out and participating in warrior dashes.  I can see myself rocking a size 10 outfit.  The problem is I can't seem to  make my dreams a reality.  Dr. E asked me if I could see myself taking Liptor and suffering a stroke! Touche, Dr. E, touché!  (No, he didn't actually speak the words, but the look implied such!  I"m just taking creative license here!)

So I left the office feeling defeated and sorry for myself. I felt like I let Dr E down as well as myself.  Since turning 50, my body and my mind seem to be turning on me.  I have never had problems with my blood pressure and cholesterol.  I have never had problems accomplishing a goal when I put my mind to it.  I've never had trouble remembering things.  I was always smug when my friends were whining about the same health issues.  I would just laugh and say not me!  Well, yes me!  Apparently our choices eventually catch up with us, now don't they?

So, what's the game plan, you ask?  Well, may be you didn't ask, but I'm going to tell you anyways.  The plan was to go get fake nails put on!!!!!!!!  Go ahead and put close your mouth before you swallow a fly.  Let me explain myself.

I don't believe in making New Year's resolutions. I believe in focusing on setting a theme for the year and working towards it.  So my theme this year is to be nicer  to myself.  You see  I put others before me.  I always have and I always will.  It's my nature to nurture others.  In doing so, I forget myself.  So this year I'm trying to make more time for myself.  Some of the most enjoyable things for me to do is get a pedicure and a manicure.  I don't do it often because I don't have the time or the money.  Well, that's changing.  With the acrylic nails, I have to take care of them on a regular basis.  I know it sounds funny, but I will now be forced every two weeks to go to the nail salon and just sit and let someone pamper me for 45 minutes.  It also invested some money in some body oils.  Once again it sounds ridiculous, but I don't take the time to even put lotion on after the shower.  My skin is dry and flakey. Nothing worse than looking at my fat, white, dry calves every morning!     Tomorrow, I'm going to go and buy some new clothes.  All of my clothes are ill fitting due to the weight.  I always say I'm waiting to lose weight before I can buy new things.  Well girls, we all know how that works out!

So what's all this got to do with lowering blood pressure, cholesterol and obesity?  My thought is if I just take the time to love me for who I am right now, then  may be I will be motivated to improve on who I can be.  I have bucket list and I'm not ready to leave this world just yet.  I believe I still have a lot to offer my family, school and community.  I know that God has a plan for me, and he is in charge.  I just think I can carry out his plans better if I like who I am...fake nails and all!  Wish me luck!  It will be a fight, but I think I'm worth the fight.

Make Every Day Count...

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Home Alone

I love being home alone on Saturdays.  It's like a vacation for me!  I have no one to answer to except for myself.  Well, may be the dog, but she's easy.  As long as she has food and water in her bowls and I let her out every couple of hours, she's good.  I  can do what I want, when I want, and how I want.  Want some examples?!?!?!? (Brb, Sophie wants out!)

1.  Bathroom:  I can go to the bathroom whenever I want. Crazy I know, but  five days a week my potty breaks are scheduled by prep periods and lunches!  After all you can't, or shouldn't, leave your classroom unattended because Mother Nature calls.  I could go between classes, but I don't like leaving my students with the opportunity to think of something! It doesn't take long for a 16 year old mind to come up with stunt!   So, Monday-Friday I pee at 9:52 and 12:52.  I'm not kidding!  So on Saturdays to have the luxury of pissing when I want is like having double cashews on your hot fudge sundae.

2.  Taking breaks: Nothing cheeses me off like having to clean house and do laundry.  I hate it.  If I could afford a cleaning lady and I knew Sophie would let her in, I'd have one.  Since I can't be sure of either, I do it myself.  I can go from 0-10 on the angry meter in about 10 seconds flat when I start cleaning house.  So, I learned many years ago a coping mechanism that helps immensely.  I make deals with myself.  I will determine what amount of work needs to be completed before I take a break.  During that break I do things  I like to do such as read, Facebook, blog, Twitter, sew, card, scrapbook, etc.  For example, I told myself I could start this post once the kitchen was cleaned.  So here I am blogging in a kitchen that has the dishes done, recycling outside, and floors swept.  I can now spend 15 minutes blogging before I go to the next chore.  In another 5 minutes, I will sweep the staircase.  Once that's done I'm going to sit down and read the next chapter in Janet Evanovich's book Notorious Nineteen.  Getting the picture?

3.  Bravo, E! and History Channel:  I can watch my shows without anyone flipping channels, rolling eyes, or sighing loudly because he doesn't like my choice of TV shows.  I'm sorry that I'm addicted to Housewives, Kardashians, Pawn Stars, Duck Dynasty, awards shows, etc.  So I can watch and/or listen to the shows while I'm cleaning house.  It gives me great pleasure to peep into other people's lives.  The best part is that it usually makes me feel good about my own life.  Timeout:  I have to go sweep the steps.  I'll be back!

4.  Electronics:  (Did you miss me?  I hope I didn't keep you waiting long.  But at least the bedroom is now cleaned!)  I love my electronics.  I willingly admit that I'm addicted.  It is commonplace to find me with my Mac in my lap, my iPhone in my hand and my Nook on the end table.  I tend to multitask.  I will read emails, blog, surf the net and Facebook while getting caught upon Words with Friends, Scramble and Dice with Buddies.  When my games are caught up, I'll read until I hear my phone ping informing me it's my turn! It drives Rick crazy.  He is constantly glaring at me, or rolling his eyes at me or sighing at me.  It drives him crazy.  So when I'm home alone, I can relax with a cup of Joe while indulging my addictions without any disapproving looks.

5.  Food:  On home alone Saturdays I can eat what I want and when I want!  This is the day I can indulge my culinary pleasures that Rick finds offensive...chinese, Chipotle,  Manhattan clam chowder, Weight Watcher frozen meals, and sushi.   Lunch is also another chance to take a break and do what I want to do.  So, WW mini pizzas, bloody mary and blogging!  Ugh...damn dog wants out again! Brb.

6. Girly stuff:  This is also the time to do girly stuff.  I can burn my smelly candles.  I can take an hour long shower.  I can call girlfriends and talk and laugh.  There is no one impatiently waiting for me to get off of the phone so that my loud, obnoxious voice will quit competing with the volume on the TV.  I can spend quality time with the above mentioned damn dog and cuddle .  She loves her belly rubbed and I love snuggling with her.  She takes away all of my cares and worries in the world.

Now before you all start bemoaning, "What about  poor Rick?  Don't you like to spend your Saturdays with him?"  Let me remind you that he has his home alone days as well.  It is usually on Wednesdays. It's his day without me.  He gets to do whatever he wants and whenever he wants.  He gets to watch MeTV all morning and afternoon in between naps.  He doesn't have someone (me) rolling their eyes, sighing heavily and  complaining about his activities.   Trust me, he savors each one of them.

So, there you have it.  My take on home alone days.  We all need them. Unfortunately, we don't always get as many as we want.  So, when we do have them, it's important to make the best of them!  Here's hoping you have a home alone day soon.

Make Every Day Count....