Monday, January 3, 2011

The Big Bang Theory

I am a science idiot.  If you don't believe me, just ask Mr. Weeks the chemistry and physics teacher at my school.  He's the one who gave me the moniker.  Now, before you,  my loyal followers (all two of you),  get mad at him for the giving me the nickname, you must understand that  he is absolutley right. I AM a science idiot.  Understanding how E=MC2 works is like trying to figure out how a man's mind works. It makes no sense at all.  Every year the science department celebrates Mole Day.  To them it is some super relevant equation that is the basis of all things important.    I, on the other hand,  don't understand  why they celebrate a creature that  tears up my yard and my dogs kill and eat. Really!?!?!?!?  There's a whole day dedicated to moles?

While I don't get science, I do acknowledge the huge importance science plays in my life!  Because  of science I have a Pfaff sewing machine with IDT technology.  I have no idea what it stands for or how it works.  All  I know is that it makes my stitches even.  I also appreciate the work that went into designing the super efficient way my convertible top works. It is mesmerizing to watch, but I don't get or care how it works....unless it quits working!!!!  Then some brainy mechanic had better figure out how fix it fast!!  Then there is my LA Gear Tone Up tennis shoes.  While my butt is no where firm from wearing them, I do appreciate that my back feels much better.  Just the fact that there is the Internet and HDTV is mind boggling!  Really, how does all of this cyber space stuff work? Those who understand and apply science are maniacs!  (*NOTE:  I do have to state that I don't understand for one moment why anyone would invent fat-free cheese.  I'm sorry but if it doesn't melt in the microwave it shouldn't go into anyone's digestive system.  Sorry Weight Watchers, but I'll stay overweight if it means I have to eat that shit!  Just sayin')

So here's the irony of this blog.....punch line, if you will.   Every Thursday night at 8:00 p.m. on channel 10, Rick and I watch our favorite show...The Big Bang Theory.  Yep, you read correctly. I LOVE a show about 4 geeky MIT scientists and a hot, ditzy waitress from Omaha.  I absolutely belly laugh through the entire 30 minutes. In fact, I love the show so much that I just bought the first season on DVD.  I watch an episode every time I get on my treadmill.  It makes the time go fast and tolerable.  If you're laughing your ass off, you don't think about how much you hate the treadmill and any form of excerise. 

What is amazing about the show is that you laugh even though you have no idea what they are talking about most of the time.  It is just the dynamics of the relationships of the five characters.  Of cousre, we all recognize my character..the hot, ditzy waitress.  I'm not hot, or ditzy, or a waitress.  But like Penny,  I have no idea what the heck the geeks are talking about most of the time!  However, every once in a while there is glimmer of understanding.  While "working out" today, I watched Season 1 Episode 2.  Leonard and Sheldon had to carry a huge heavy box up 3 flights of stairs.  Being the stereotypical scientists, they have all brains and no brawn.  So they used their super genius to figure out how to get the box up the stairs.  They decided to use the Archimedes principle of displacing weight.  What?   The Archimedes Principle?  Holy crap Batman, I know what that is!!!!  I darn near fell off of the treadmill.  I couldn't believe that I knew what they were talking about!!  (Note:  There is some inconsistiences in the logic of the principle and the writing  of the script, just go with it).  Basically, using specifically placed levers and such, you can make the object do the work!

I guess after 25 years as a high school tutor, I have actually learned a little something about science!  I have to credit Mrs. Garver, Mrs. Rozsa, Mrs. Yates, Mr. Zidron and Mr. Weeks with teaching me about science even when I didn't want to learn it!  Who knows, may be I'll get science yet?!!?!?

Btw, just so you know, I have a nickname for Mr. Weeks.  I call him...Bill Nye,  the science geek.  It fits him well!!  LOL

In the words of Sheldon...Bazinga!

Make Every Day Count....

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