Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Denise vs. The Weatherman

Here is the post you all knew would come eventually.  I hate winter. It's not a secret, but the reasons why may surprise you.  It's not the snow or the cold weather that I dislike.  It is the endless days of gloomy and gray days.  As long as there is sun, I can handle the few inches of snow and below freezing temperatures.  My mood really is affected by the sunshine.  The more sun we have, the happier I am.

But there is another winter element that affects my mood even more than the minutes of brightness in a day.  It is what I call The Meteorologist  Conspiracy.  I believe that the Central Ohio Meteorologist's Union has a secret agenda.  It is their mission to torture the educators of the viewing audience with unprovoked, unfounded threats of the "impending chaos".  Every winter we must endure these crazy predictions of substantial snowfalls, ice storms and blizzards, most of which never materialize. They do it because they secretly hated their science teachers from high school.  They have a desire to see us suffer with endless speculations of 2-hour delays and snow days.

Need proof?  No problem....Sunday night they began with a prediction of 3-5 inches of snow over the next two days.  It was to start after 3 a.m. on Tuesday morning.  So, guess what the hot topic of the day was at school on Monday.  Instead of concentrating on studying for Quaterly Assessments (QAs), students relentlessly monitored the weather patterns outside.  Every chance they got they were googling the weather channel, looking out the windows, and discussing the possibilities of a snow day.  Of course, I'm constantly refocusing their attention back to the important task at hand...math, science, English and social studies.

So, what happened this morning...not a damn thing!  Not one flake of snow had fallen overnight. There was no snow day nor a 2-hour delay.  Only 650 disappointed teenagers to face at 7:30 in the morning.  But don't despair, the weatherman graciously pushed back the arrival time of the snow.  Now it's going to start at 10:00 a.m. and last all day.  This refuels the expectations of an early dismissal and a possible snow day on Wednesday!  It's like the Ground Hog Day movie... the same scenario day after day!!!  Will it ever end?  Of course not.  So, the administration decided to adhere to the ramblings of the meteorologists and released us early to avoid the "impending chaos."  And what happened?  Nothing!  So what do the weatherpersons do? They have once again moved the time back.  They want us to believe the snow will now occur after 3:00 a.m. Wednesday.  Here we go again!

My 9th period class today was discussing,  what else,  but  the weather.  I informed them we would all be at school on Wednesday and to be prepared to take their scheduled QAs.  They called me a snow day pessimist!  Really? A snow day pessimist?!?!?!?   I informed them that I am a realist and have learned after 25 years in the classroom not to believe the weatherman. I was ready to explain my Meteorologist Conspiracy when the bell rang.  Just as well!  They would have just laughed at me and my theory.  They don't care about anything but the next snow day and proving me wrong.  That's okay I'll get the last laugh in end.  If we go over our three snow days, we will be making up those days over Spring Break.   We will see then  who the make up day pessimists are!

And to the meteorologists seeking their revenge on the educators of tomorrow's future.  The next time you make unfounded weather predictions, I invite you to come and send the day in my classroom.  I think you should have to deal with the chaos you create with snow day propaganda!  You can listen to the ramblings of 650 teenagers for 7 hours.

Of course, there will most likely be a snow day tomorrow.  Know why?  One, because I wrote this  post with my theory and weatherman wants me to look like a fool.  Two, Rick has the day off tomorrow, therefore, ruining my snow day.  And you all wonder why I hate winter!

Make Every Day Count

1 comment:

  1. I think someone is in need of a few days in sunny Florida!
