Saturday, January 8, 2011

"Back When I Was a Kid....."

Life has a way of coming full circle, doesn't it?  When we were kids we all swore we would never be like our parents.  They bombarded us with stupid sayings and outlandish stories.  Did they really walk 20 miles in a blizzard without shoes to get to school?   I think not! What I know for sure though is that  nothing could bring a huge eye roll to my face faster than my mother starting a sentence with "back when I was a kid..."

So, what has me pondering "back when I was a kid"?  Well, Facebook actually! I had a friend post the following message:  They say everlasting friends can go long periods of time without speaking and never question the friendship. These types of friends pick up like they just spoke yesterday, regardless of how long it has been or how far away they live, and they don't hold grudges. They understand that life is busy, but you will always love them.... It got me thinking about the friends I have in my life.  I am blessed to have some wonderful women and men who are the core of who I am.  They laugh at me when I'm at my geekiest.  They accept my loud voice.  They encourage me when I need it.  They support me during good and bad times.  They believe in me when I can't believe in myself. They love me unconditionally.  They make me a better person.  And I hope that I do the same thing for them.

So where's this going, Denise?  Well,  "back when I was a kid",  I could count on both hands the number of friends I had.  It was a small, tight-knit group.  It was one for all and all for one.  We were the Musketeers!  But with technology the way it is today, it seems that a kid needs a spreadsheet to kept track of her friends.  The number of friends has multiplied exponentially over the last 30 years.  Don't tell my nieces, but I was lurking on their walls and I found out that they have some friends!  Ashley has 977 and Mikaela has 476 and Raelene has 676 and Adrianne has 1194!!!  Really?  You have that many friends?  It makes me wonder what the requirements are to be a friend these days?!?!?!?!  Perhaps a pulse and a Facebook account! Don't get me wrong, I have the most beautiful, loving, wonderful nieces, and people would be lucky to have them as friends.  But 1,000 of them???    Are these 1000 friends going to encourage my nieces to be the best they can be?  Are they going to believe in them when they can't believe in themselves?  Are they going to love them unconditionally?   (I can see my nieces rolling their eyes right now as they read this.  There goes crazy Aunt Denise again!)

Of course I'm being a bit dramatic! Just ask my husband, he'll tell you I"m a drama queen.  But as any good aunt, I worry about my nieces and nephews in the age of technology. With Facebook, My Space and Twitter, it is easy to get caught up in the need to share  all aspects of our lives with so many.  I just pray that they will be safe while having fun socially networking!  

And how many friends do I have on Facebook?  A measly 70...and 10 of them are family!!!!!  I'm sure that is an embarrassment to my nieces!  But that's okay!  Someday they will tell their children  "back when I was a kid, I only had 1000 friends!"

Make Every Day Count....

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