Thursday, January 20, 2011

Kim and Denise's Excellent Adventures

My friend Kim and I are quite the pair.  No matter where we are or where we go, it's an adventure!  We seem to compliment each other quite well. You know what they say about opposites attracting.  She is calm, thoughtful, quiet, and kind.  And I'm loud, obnoxious, and out of control.  Call us Thelma and Louise!

We met  four years ago at Scrapper's Gallery.  She worked and taught classes there.  We struck up a conversation and a friendship well as my ever growing stock of card making and scrapbooking supplies!  (Refer to post #1 )  As we got to know one another we found out we had quite a bit in common.  For one, I had her son Jesse in class.  (Refer to post #6),   Poor Jesse, I think he secretly wishes the friendship would dissolve.  He does a lot of head shaking when he's around us.   Secondly, Kim went to school with my Rick.   She also dated Rick's brother Brad...why she admits it I'll never know.  She also works with Rick's sister Suzy at State Farm.  So you see our friendship was inevitable.

So Kim had knee replacement surgery 5 weeks ago.  Unfortunately, her knee is "frozen," and she has to go back in the hospital tomorrow to have it manipulated.  It's a setback and, as you can imagine,  she has cabin fever.   Now while she has a lovely husband and 4 wonderful sons, they just aren't supportive of her need to go to Scrapper's Gallery for the 40% off sale before her procedure.  But as her buddy, I get it.  So we planned for a girls' afternoon out for today.  Well, the meteorologists (See Post #4) had everyone in a tither again over another forecast of the white death.  So we were dismissed early from school.  I'm like yeah, now we can head to Pataskala early!!  As responsible adults, we called ahead to the store to make sure it was open and that the road conditions were conducive to travel.  Everything was a go.

 Kim lives out in the middle of nowhere.  So, by the time I got to her house and got her in the car, it was already 2:30.   By the time we got to Route 16, the snow started to pick up a bit.  But who noticed?  We were too busy laughing and enjoying of our latest adventure. We had visions of great sales dancing in our heads.  It wasn't until 21st Street that some common sense finally set in.  My suggestion was to keep going and assess the situation a few miles down the road. We only made it one more exit before we realized that Pataskala was simply out of the question.   Kim was gracious and suggested that we just turn around and go home.  She said she was just happy to get out of the house and go for a ride.  Of course the irresponsible one wouldn't have any of that!  We were out and it wasn't time for this adventure to end.  So, what do we do?  Kim says she has a $50 Hobby Lobby gift card.  So, we rerouted ourselves to Hobby Lobby!  I have no idea how long we were in the store, but by the time we got to the register we realized there was now three inches of new snow on the ground!  OOPS!  Looks like the meteorologist got this one right.  (Refer to post #4 again)  Now we have to get Kim back to the boondocks and me to the metropolis of Marne!  It was quite the 45-minute ride to Kim's.  It was slow going, but it was a riot.  We just laughed at ourselves for being so stupid for trying to go to Columbus during a winter storm warning.  The belly laughs continued as we told story after story while creeping along at 5 mph.

I got Kim home without any major problems.  Once she was ensconced safely in her living room, I began my journey to Marne.   The trip home seemed to be easier than getting to Fallsburg.  Then it hit me.  The reason is was easier was because I was the only fool on the road heading BACK into town!  Everyone else was heading OUT of town to get home.  I was the only one on my side of the road for 10 miles. It went pretty smoothly until I hit Route 16 again.  Needless to say I got home without any major troubles.

I called Kim and let her know I was home.  Of course we started laughing all over again.  Why?  Because we realized that we risked our lives for a $1.50 purchase at Hobby Lobby.  That's right!  We endured everything for  a couple of  packages of stickers!  At least they were on sale!

I love my friend Kim.  We always have such a good time together and today was no different.   I'm counting down until the next Kim and Denise's excellent adventure.

Make Every Day Count...

PS:  Just spoke with Kim and her procedure went well.  She's loopy on drugs and drunk dialing her friends!  She wants me to break her out of the hospital and take her to the scrapbook store!  Now, THAT would be an adventure!!!  I'm thinking about it.......

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