Monday, June 13, 2011

What the hell was I thinking?

No, really!  We all have those moments when we sit back and say, 'what the hell was I thinking?'  That was me this morning after I completed my first day of 5K '"training".  And I use the term training very loosely!

As I approach 50, I have started my bucket list.  There are some really great things on it like seeing Aerosmith in concert, traveling to Europe, and learning to speak Italian.  Then there are the 'what the hell was I thinking' items like skydiving and running a 5K.  I happened to mention my bucket list to someone on Friday.  They told me about this great app called From the Couch to the 5K(C25K for short.)  Well, I checked it out and decided to download it and give it a try.  It has 9 week training schedule.  You run for 3 days out of 7.   Now we all know that 9 weeks is a bit of an ambitious goal.  Does the author of the app realize that I'm not really a couch potato, but more of a technology junkie.  I can sit at my computer for hours on end.  So, for someone with close to zero athletic ability and a bit on the chubby side, I really think it's unrealistic to think I will be able to run 3.2 miles at the end of 9 weeks. But I'll give a whirl because miracles do happen.

So, today was the first day.  I got up at 7:30 and ate a little breakfast.  I got my iPhone ready and off I went.  The work out for the day was to walk briskly for 5 minutes, and then run for 60 seconds,  then walk for 90 seconds and repeat for 20 minutes. The ultimate goal was to run for a total of 8 minutes. I would have to say that I ran for may be 6 1/2 minutes.  I only managed to run for the full 60 seconds once!  Several times though I came within 5 seconds of the goal.  The application will tell me when to walk and when to run. I, however, adjusted the plan to suit my own needs.  See, I'm a visual person. I have to be able to see the end in sight.  So,  I would look down the bike path and predetermine how far I would run.  If I got to that spot and felt I could go farther, I would.  If not, I would stop running and start walking again!   I know, I'm such a rule breaker!!!!  I could never  follow the directions.

I can only imagine what I looked like running.  We all have seen those people running who look like they are about to die.  Well,  I'm pretty sure that was me today.  When I finished I was gasping for air! I have a newfound respect for those people who are giving it a try!  I told my friend Tricia about my experience today.  She laughed and said, "Well, I hope you at least looked cute doing it!"  Really, Tricia?  You've been my friend for 10 years now and know that the only time I've looked cute is when I was wearing my zebra striped coat and silver purse.  Let me tell you,  my hair was sticking straight up and I had on a pair of old black sweat pants with bleach stains and a long sleeved t-shirt with an unfortunately placed rip.  I didn't notice the tear until I walked in the house upon my return.  Thank goodness I had my bra on!

When I got home, I collapsed in my chair and processed what had transpired on my first attempt.  First I was amazed that I even survived.  Secondly, I had to eat some personal crow.  You see I work with a bunch of marathon running fools.  I have always made of fun of them because I just couldn't figure out why they would do that to themselves.  They always blather on about endorphins and adrenaline and stuff.  Well, they are right.  After my heart stopped racing and I could breathe normally again, I had to admit I felt pretty good.  I had so much energy and was ready to conquer the day.

Of course tomorrow will be the real story.  How will my 49 year old body feel in the morning!?!?!?  After all the last time I ran on a "regular basis" was my sophomore year of college.  Let's be honest here, it was for about a 4 week period and it was all over a stupid boy!  According to my brother Mitchell, however, the only running I did then was to outrun the cops.  Isn't he a real hoot?

Now that I've opened by big mouth and told all of you, I have now have a partner in crime.  My friend Kendra and I are in talks to run a 5K together.  Luckily she is just like me with her athletic abilities.  So, this could be a match made in heaven.  Only thing is she is about 10 years younger and a lot lighter in the weight department!    Hopefully though we can encourage each other to fulfill our dreams of being runners!  May be we can be ready in by April 28 for the 3rd Annual Panther 5K Run which my National Honor Society students sponsor!  Wouldn't that be cool for my students see their advisor getting into the spirit of the race?!?!  Or they can see my demise when I cross the finish line and die!!!  I have set a pretty lofty goal for someone who doesn't normally like to exercise. I'm pretty sure the biggest hurdle will be my mindset.  I need to start thinking like an Olympian and not a middle aged, chubby woman.  Here's to another adventure!

Make Every Day Count.....

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