Friday, February 25, 2011

I've Become One of THOSE People

I never thought it would happen to me.  In fact, I have spent the last two decades fighting against the trend. I swore I would never succumb to the norm.  I have put down those who buy into the frenzy.  Like they say, "Never say never!"  I am now a full fledge technology junkie!  I am the queen of gadgets.  I am now a card carrying member of the nerd herd!  I'm addicted to the World Wide Web!

How did this happen?  Well, I can pinpoint the exact date.  Three years ago, I became the National Honor Society advisor.  The day I said yes was the day my life began to change forever.  Little did I know I would be thrown into a maelstrom of technology based activities...senior videos, power point presentations, audio equipment, etc.  All of which I had no experience in!  The first year I was like a deer in the headlights.  I depended on the expertise of the kids, the librarian, and the school tech gurus.  During my Sophomore year as the advisor, I became a little more comfortable.  I was armed with some knowledge of the tech world.  That's when my first big gadget purchase happened.  I bought what I like to call me my Big Girl Camera!  I even ventured out of Black Friday to get it.... another never say never moment.  I left Best Buy with a Nikon digital camera.  I had two lens, case and everything!  I decided the NHS kids needed it to help produce the senior video.  I actually became quite proficient with downloading, photoshopping and burning pictures to discs.  My confidence started to swell....bad omen!!!

As I approached my third and current year as the advisor, I decided we could produce the senior video ourselves.  The first two years we worked with a great guy who produced it for us.  At the end of the second year, he had to resign due to family commitments.  So, I began the task of researching laptop computers.  I consulted with the King of Gadgets, my brother-in-law Randy.  In October I became the proud owner of a MacBook!  Things just spiraled out of control from that moment on!!!  Next thing I knew I was knee deep in iCal, iPhoto, iMovie and iWorks.  And I liked it!!!!  The addiction had begun.

Next thing I knew, I had a Facebook account.  Once again, never say never.  I looked down on people who had a need to share their lives with everyone.  By Jan. 1, 2011 I was writing a blog, letting the entire world into my hectic, neurotic  life!  BTW,  I know the world has access to my blog,  but I also know that only a handful of you actually read it! And the only reason for  that is because you are my friends and I have forced you into it!  But this latest foray simply boosted my confidence to another level.  I  am no longer afraid of anything shiny with a touch pad.  So what did I do next?  I bought an iPhone this week!!!  Oh yeah, I now have Internet access 24/7.  I have become permanently attached to my phone, and it only took 36 hours!  I'm texting, downloading apps, checking emails, etc.  This weekend I hope to sync my laptop with my phone.  Imagine the possibilities!  One of the guidance counselors took my phone at lunch yesterday and I started to shake from the withdrawal.  So sad!!!  She yammered on about it being for my own good.  Something about dopamine and an intervention.  I just think she was using it as an excuse to fondle my iPhone!

You have to understand I have been so judgmental of people who seem to be addicted to technology.  I constantly complained about family and friends who spent more time texting on their phones than participating in the engaging conversation at the dinner table. And talking and driving, oh my!?!?!?! I would just roll my eyes at them.  Now I get it!  I now understand the fascination of the entire concept. I now know the shame of having someone roll their eyes at me...especially someone named Rick. I am a technology geek.  As one of my students told me today, " I guess you can teach an old dog new tricks!"  Bow wow!!

Well, I've got to go.  My friends are blowing up my phone with text messages.  They think it is funny to inundate my inbox with them.  After all I did proclaim I wouldn't be caught dead texting...or Facebooking...or blogging...or ............

Oh wait, I hear the UPS man.  My Nook is finally here!!!  I have a new toy to play with tonight.

Make Every Day Count...


  1. Your next gadget must be an iPad. My husband bought me one last fall so he could get some time on the laptop! :) I wasn't too sure about it at first, but oh my.......I LOVE it. The only downside is that I spend too much time with it!

  2. Oh gosh Cheryl. When would I sleep if I added another device. I already FB with my phone by my side!

  3. Oh i know......but you should just check it out sometime.... It is so lightweight and the thing my old eyes really like is that the screen is big enough i don't have to squint to see it!
