Sunday, September 9, 2012


Yesterday my friend Beth and I spent some quality time together at the Licking Valley Fall Festival.  As extra curricular advisors, we each had to cover a shift at the school store.  We decided to do it together.  It was more fun that way.  It's also helpful for shopping purposes!  We were able to tag team each other.  We took turns perusing the vendors.  One of us would stay with the students while the other shopped!  We reported back to one and another as to what we found! There were two booths that caught our eyes....the Simple Luxuries table and the spoon ring table.

As the day dwindled and the customers thinned, Beth and I decided it was time to make our purchases. We checked with the students to make sure they could handle the store and register so we could go around the corner to buy our spoon rings and chapstick.  They both said, "Don't worry; we have your numbers in our phones"!  So off we went.  The game plan was to go to the spoon rings booth first and work our way back.  The spoon rings were so cute!  As we were trying them on my phone rang.  Yep, the kids needed some help.  Apparently the one thing we didn't cover with them happened!  LOL!  So I asked Beth to hold the one ring I had picked out so far and headed back to the store.  

Upon my return to the ring booth, I found Beth admiring a beautiful ring on her finger. Apparently, she had selected the perfect piece of jewelry!  She was so excited to tell me that it was called Remembrance.  I wasn't sure what she meant.  The artist that makes the rings saw the look on my face and explained that she researches the patterns of the spoons before she makes them into rings.  The pattern of Beth's ring was called Remembrance and it dated back to 1949.  For Beth this was a blessing from God.  Her mother was born in 1949, and Beth felt it was a way to  honor her mom.  (Sorry to Momma A for letting the whole world know what year she was born!)  In fact, Beth bought one for her mom as well so they could have matching rings.

I thought this was the coolest thing ever, and I couldn't wait to select my ring so I could hear my story.  So after 5 minutes of careful consideration, I decided on my spoon ring.  I gave it to the artist so she could polish it up, look at the pattern, and tell my story.  Guess what?  I had no story! My inner child is throwing a hissy hit.  I want a story!!!!  I picked one of the few that she didn't know the pattern names or history behind it.  I was so deflated!  Well, I liked the ring so I bought it any ways and we headed to the candle/soap/chapstick/lip balm table.

When we returned to the school store, we showed the kids our purchases and told them our spoon ring story.  Caleb wasn't as interested as Mara!  My inner child was still pouting about my lack of history when a thought came to my mind.  I would just create my story.  I said to the group that the design of my ring reminded me of Victorian Europe which reminded me of our trip to London/Paris this Spring Break.  And that reminded me of a conversion I had with Beth.  When we discussed my agreement to go on the trip I told her I would only if I could room with her.  She replied, "You got it!  There is no one else I'd rather spoon with!"  We laughed our butts off and it was a running joke throughout the year.  SO, I reminded Beth of our conversation.  She laughed along with the kids.  Mara was on the trip with us, so she thought it was a great way to remember the trip.

So, there you have it.  My spoon ring story.  This $7 ring will always remind me of the life changing trip I took to Europe with my dear friend Beth.  It will be a symbol of new experiences, great memories and a endearing friendship.  We will always be spoon sisters!

Make Every Day Count...

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