Saturday, February 2, 2013

What I'm Thinking Now

Last night I went to Friday Night Free For All, aka FFA.  It's a gathering of women with a common interest...... quilting.  We meet the first and third Friday of each month.  We get together to sew, eat, and talk.  But the group is more than a good time.  It also is a support group.  I can't tell you how many times I've gone on a Friday night looking for an outlet to lay my burdens on.  They are always a great sounding  board and help me figure out life's dilemmas.

Of course last night was no exception. I found myself in need of  good company and good sound advice.  My fellow FFA members were there for me as well as each other.  We had a good old cackling hen party.  We laid all of our burdens on the table and worked through each problem.  We gave each other good advice, unsolicited observations, and common conclusions.  I love a group of girls who will tell you like it is!  Some times it's easy to hear and some times it's not.  Either way, we know that all of it comes from the heart.

One of the observations  we made had to do with social media.  It is amazing to us how people use Facebook, Twitter and blogging as a way to air grievances, disappointments, and general discord.  They will say whatever they are feeling or thinking and to hell with you if you don't like it. From there we talked about what we feel is appropriate and what is not.  I made the comment that there so many things I find funny that others post and I would love to share.  However, I stop myself.  I have a sarcastic sense of humor which many find offensive, and the last thing I would want to do is offend someone who doesn't know me well.  Let's face it, there are some things that can only or should only be said in the company of your dearest friends and family.  Things that should never be made public to the world wide web.

As teacher, I try to filter myself.  I must admit that I fail sometimes.  I hope I filter more than I don't!  My husband gets upset with me at times because he says I'm an adult and I can say and feel what I want.  He is right up to a point.  But as a public servant, I am forced to be politically correct.  Whether I like it or not, I have to lead by example.  I just can't go around spouting off everything that is running around in my head.  Trust me,  as much as I would like to, I don't.

Barb, a retired English teacher, and I dissected this very thought.  We are both Facebookers and bloggers.  We agree that we both have so many ideas, thoughts, pet peeves, concerns and other ramblings running around in our heads.  We are often tempted to blog about it.  But we both agree that we would never blog something that would intentionally hurt someone's feelings.  I can't pour out my thoughts or complaints that may not be appropriate.  In fact I have 24 hour rule.  I don't post anything until I've thought about it for at least 24 hours.  What you feel in the moment usually isn't what you feel after some considerable thought.

So here's the point I'm trying to make.  I want all of my readers to know that I am sorry if I have ever hurt your feelings with one of my posts.  It is never my intention to hurt you personally.  I know that I may offend with my inappropriate topics on occasion.  But I hope everything is seen with humor and laughter, and never from mean spiritness!

Make Every Day Count....

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