Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Twas the night before....

Twas the night before Europe, when all through the house,
Not a dog was stirring, not even my spouse;
The suitcases  were  flung every where in the room,
In hopes that the packing fairy would arrive real soon.
The mounds of clothes waiting to be rolled,
I'm sure I'm taking too much if truth be told;
I take a deep breath, and begin to sort,
I don't want to be over weight when I get to the port.
One pair of black pants and 3 pairs of jeans,
Packing light, is this what that means?
Twenty shirts now dwindled down to eight,
Remaining stain free for 10 days would be great!
Three pairs of shoes and oodles of socks
Throwing in a few TSA approved locks;
PJs, undies, bras, a sweater and a jacket,
And the all important documents tucked away in a packet.
The liquids in 3 oz. bottles  or less  are stored in a quart bag,
Must follow the rules or face the wrath of the TSA hag.
Mac, iphone, camera and Nook
Everyone needs their toys and book!
British pounds, European Euros, and US dollars
If I forget them at home, you all will hear my hollar!
Ten days without Words With Friends, oh my
I'm too cheap to pay the data charges that would hit the sky.
Thank goodness for free Wi-Fi at the hotel
With it Facebook will work well.
The fun in London and Paris will be mine
As I go on an adventure of a lifetime.
And with the dimming of the light
Love to all and to all a good night.

Make Every Day Count.....

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