Sunday, August 14, 2011

Two Weeks in a Row!

Those who know me, know that I have an attention span of a gnat.  As my mother always said, I was like a fart in a skillet.  I'm not real sure what that means, but I'm guessing it refers to my inability to sit still and stay focused. Even at the age of 49, I still have to have these issues.  I'm easily bored and need the distraction of other activities.  This is why you will usually find me multi-tasking.  I always have at least 5 different quilting projects in various stages of completion, several scrapbooks in the making,  two blogs and numerous books going at the same time.  With all of the possibilities, I can usually find something to interest me.

So, you can only imagine how difficult it is for me to sit still through an entire movie!  Rick gets so frustrated with me.  You see he loves to watch movies and always wants me to sit down at night watch one  with him.  I try, but it just isn't always possible for me to sit through the entire production. To help me,  I always have something to work on while I sit in my chair.  It is either a quilt or embroidery piece.  Or sometimes I will check my emails and blog.  Other times I will read a book while watching the movie.  And most of the time, I vacillate  among all three.  No matter how hard I try, 90% of the time I will finally just get up and go do something different. The next thing I know the movie is over and I am pissing Rick off by asking how it ended.  Oops!

So as you can imagine we rarely go to see a movie at the theater.  Besides my inability to pay attention, there are a few other reasons we don't go.  One, there is the cost.  Let's be serious by the time you pay for admission, popcorn and drinks, you could send a child in a third world country to school for a lifetime.  Two, there is the heating and cooling.  No matter how hard I try, I either freeze or sweat my tushy off!    Three, there is the quality of movies.  Rick and I do not share the same criteria for what constitutes a good movie. He is a Caddy Shack kind of guy, and I am a Gone With the Wind type of girl.  Four, there is the sound.  May be I'm old, but does the volume have to be so loud!!!  It is for these reasons that we usually go to the movies only once a year.

Well, the unthinkable happened this summer.  I actually went to two movies, two weeks in a row!  I'm not kidding!  I'm still in shock at the reality of it.  If you are a regular reader, you know that Barb and I went to see Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2 last week.  (If you're not a regular reader, why not?  You have no idea what you are missing!!!!  LOL)  As a huge HP fan, I have watched each HP movie in its entirety  without leaving my seat once!    I think it is because I have invested so much time in reading the books and learning about the characters.    In fact, I didn't even look at my watch once during the movie.  Normally, I check my watch numerous times when at the theater. Less than an hour in, I'm usually bored and ready to move onto the next activity.  Like I said, it is hard to keep my interest for 2 hours.  Well, Barb and I went to see The Help today.  It was an absolutely amazing movie. Like most of the world, I read the book earlier this summer.  When I finished the book, I knew that I had to see the movie when it came out.  I'm happy to report that for the second week in a row, I watched a movie that kept my interest the entire 2 hours.  In fact, I once again made it through the entire movie without looking to check the time.  I should report though that I had to go buy a sweatshirt first!  It was freezing in the lobby, so off to Sears I went.  I am now the owner of a really cool new OSU sweatshirt...AND it was 25% off!  I'm sorry, I digressed.

At the conclusion of the movie, Barb said to me, "Do you realize that you have been to the movies two weeks in a row?"  I was like, "I know!"  I really don't know why!    Is it because  I so invested in the movies that I was able to control myself?  Is it because I was with Barb who shares my interest in books and movies?  Or is it that I am growing up?   I'm not sure what the answer is!  All I know that I was completely entertained by two really great movies!

Who knows?  This may be a new era dawning for me.  Perhaps I can become the next Roger Ebert and review movies when I retire!!!!  Weirder things have happened!

Make Every Day Count..


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