Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Another One Bites The Dust

Another one bites the dust 
Another one bites the dust 
And another one gone, and another one gone 
Another one bites the dust 
Hey, I'm gonna get you too 
Another one bites the dust ........Queen

Yep, another summer has come and gone.  It has bit the dust!  I don't know about you, but the older I get the faster summer goes.  I remember as a kid thinking summer was forever.  In fact, I remember getting bored because it just seemed to go on and on and on. I know I would miss my friends and eagerly wait for the start of school.  Now, I barely remember summer because it seems to fly by faster than Buzz Lightyear.  It makes my head spin!!

I mean it just seems like last week that the school year ended.  Now on the eve of my first official day back, I find myself feeling nostalgic about my summer vacation.  What exactly did I do this summer? It's all a blur!  Well, the first week I was immersed in yard sale stuff.  The International Travel Group sent up in my garage for the annual Marne Yard Sales.  It was a fundraiser for our European trip.  What a crazy week!  We spent days setting up and then we spent two days selling the stuff.  In all it was a great fundraiser, but I was jonsing for a break.  The second week of summer I was virtually comatose!  If I wasn't sleeping or napping, I was sitting in my chair listening to Sports Radio with a glazed look in my eyes.  I couldn't do anything!  I would be safe to say I had  bit of a meltdown!  

Eventually, I recovered and found my cleaning stride.  I decided that I had let the house slide over the year.  Of course, if you had my schedule, I'm guessing house work wouldn't be at the top of your list when you had some down time.  Each week I took two days and cleaned a room or an area!  Besides it rained most of June and July, so what else was there to do!?!?  Well, actually a lot, but the responsible adult overruled the unruly teenager, and I 
did some long overdue work.  Now I did rewarded myself every Thursday by going to Barb's, my BFF, and we sewed for 5 blissful hours each day.

Unfortunately this summer was filled with illness.  You see, I very seldom get sick.  Prior to this year, I hadn't had the flu since 1997!  I have a theory about being sick.  After 27 years in the classroom, I have developed a tolerance for germs.  I love my students, but let's be honest, when there are 600 of them in your building, germs are running rampant!  I feel the harder you try to avoid them, your  frequency of getting sick rises.  I have a few friends who are a little anxious about germs and they seem to be sick all the time.  I, on the other hand, am not afraid to have some cough on me or throw up in my room.  I am immune!  Well, that is until this summer!  I started the vacation with a bronchial infection  that lasted 3 weeks.  And then I ended summer vacation with an intestinal flu that last 2 weeks!   Unbelievable for someone who never gets sick.  You know the lesson here...never say never!

Even though there were low spots, there were equal high spots. Given all of the heat in July and August, I spent a lot of time inside.  Therefore,  I got a lot of sewing/quilting done this summer.  I finished up 3 UFOs (Unfinished Projects) and made a new baby quilt for our vet.  I got a lot of card making and scrapbookking done as well.  And read!  Man,  I read 12 different books this summer.  If you are looking for some good reads I recommend...Heaven Is For Real by Todd Burpo, The Help by Kathy Stockett, and My Year With Eleanor by Noelle Hancock.  There were also some day trips in there as well.   Of course I also interfaced several hours a day on Facebook or on my blog, keeping in touch with my family and friends!  There were also my two visits with Hurricane Judy.  She blew into town twice this summer.  I love spending time with my mom.

If I had to pick my favorite part of this summer, it would be starting my 5K "training".  It is crazy at the age of 49 and 50 pounds overweight to think about running a 5K on my 50th birthday, but yet, here I am.  I have  a LONG way to go yet, but as along as my body will let me I plan on continuing with the plan.  Every time I run, I envision myself running on April 28th wearing an Over the Hill sash and crown! One more than occasion, that visual picture is what helped me finish the run.  

So here we are.  It is 9:58 p.m. and time to call it a day.  The alarm is set for 6:00 a.m.  It is going to be a shock to my system!  You see, I have this summer tradition.  I will get up every morning around 7:00 a.m. like clockwork.  Then comes August 1 and all of a sudden I can't get out of bed before 9:00 a.m.  My friend Barb says it is Freudian.  Whatever it is, it is annoying! 

 Well, there was my summer vacation in a nutshell.  I enjoyed it, but now I am ready for the next school year to start. After all, summer vacation is only 9 months away!!!!  To all of the teachers and students out there, may all of 
have a wonderful year!

Make Every Day Count

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