Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Maniac Monday!

Ask any teacher what the best day of the year is, and most likely they will respond with the first Monday of summer vacation!  After all, who doesn't love the first day of any vacation.  From my observations, I've noticed most people are just happy, calm, laid back.   They sit and enjoy their coffee on the patio and watch the birds and bunnies frolic in the yard.

Notice I said most people.  As we all know, I am not like most people!  For me, the first day of summer vacation is totally maniac.  I'm like the dog on the Kibbles and Bits commercial who runs frantically around looking for the food.  I run frantically around trying to decide what to do first.  I'm torn between responsibilities and frivolity.  I get so overwhelmed with the possibilities that I usually have myself in a tizzy by 9:00 a.m.

I have been this way my whole life.  I'm quite sure that if I were child of this generation, I would be on medication for ADD.  I grew up with my mom calling me a fart in a skillet.  To this day I have no idea  what that means, but I do know that it isn't a compliment!  My husband tells me daily that I have a gasoline ass.  Once again not completely sure what that means, but I know it isn't favorable.  I even had a student one time tell me I was the energizer bunny on crack.  Now I pretty sure I know what that means!  My students constantly ask how many cups of coffee I've drunk.  For the record, I have to limit the caffeine intake to one cup of joe in a.m. and one Pepsi/Coke in the p.m.  Any more than that, and we have a problem!

So how did I spend my first day of summer vacation you ask?  My answer is 'just like I've spent the last 45 of them.......in total chaos!"   I flitted back and forth among various tasks.  You see, once Spring Break has passed, I become very lazy and just live day-to-day.  The goal is to make it to the first day of summer vacation.  I put off doing tasks and hobbies because in my mind I know the glory day is coming and I can do it later. Then when the first Monday comes, I'm in a panic.  I can't decide what I want to do.  I look around and see all of the chores I've put off for 2 months.  I go into my sewing room and see all of the projects that need finished.  Then there is my Nook calling out to me....read me, read me!  The dog sits by the door with her leash in her mouth accusing me of neglect.  The pressure gets to me.  Because I can't make up my mind and choose just one activity, I do it all!  That's right, I attempt to do everything that is glaring me in the face. Some may put a positive spin on my behavior by calling it multi-tasking.  Others may call it bountiful energy.  I call it craziness!  BTW, multi-tasking is just a kind way of saying that someone needs medication for hyper-activity!!!!

In the end I devised a plan of attack.  I cleaned a room and then I did a fun activity such as sew, read, or get caught up on Words With Friends, Scramble and Dice with Friends.  Then I would clean another room and so on!  The fun activity couldn't last more than 20 minutes before I had to move unto the next chore!  It worked well.  I alleviated my responsibility guilty while indulging my fun side.  It was quite the balancing act, but after 45 years of experience I think I have it under control.  That is until the next Maniac Monday in 364 days!

Here's hoping all of you have a wonderful summer vacation.  May it be filled with calm, fun and love.  With a little of chaos mixed in!

Make Every Day Count

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