Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Hhhhhhmmmmmmm? What Kind of Readers Do I Have?

Hhhmmmm?  I am starting to wonder, if ever so slightly, about my reading audience. What kind of people are flocking to my site whenever I post?!?!?!?!?   You see the website I use is Blogspot.  One of the features is to keep stats of my viewers.  Some of the things it tracks are the number of hits each post gets and the various countries readers live in.  I can also learn what traffic sources you are using and what sites are referring my blog.

So indulge me.  I am going somewhere with this.  A few stats you might be interested in....

1.  I have 17 faithful followers.  (You all are obviously misled!)
2.  I have had 4, 055 hits.
3.  Facebook is the biggest traffic source.
4.  I have made a total of 78 posts since Jan. 2011.
5.  The four countries with the most views are the US (3668), Russia (110), Germany (50), and Great Britain (28).

So you're like who cares, right?  What's the point, correct?  Well, let's get to another stat, shall we?  I can also tell what posts are the most viewed!  Let's look at the top five, shall we?

1.  Laters, Baby (201)
2. My Love Affair With Chris Spielman (54)
3.  Good Night Sweet Stormy (49)
4.  The Quilting Slut (41)
5.  Fat Girl Woes (41)

Do you see a trend here anyone?  That's right my post about the 50 Shades of Grey trilogy had over 200 hits!  My Love Affair with Chris Spielman garnered 54!  The Quilting Slut was right there with Christian Gray and Chris Spielman.  Where are the minds of my readers at anyways?!?!?!  It appears to be in the gutter!  The really only saving grace here is that my tribute to my dead Stormy was 3rd on the list!!!  I don't know...may be you all thought there was some sort of double meaning there, or something!  Apparently I grab your attention with the ever so slight possibility that I may write about some torrid, bodice-ripping love affair!  Just call me E.L. James.  (yes that's the author of 50 Shades!)

All kidding aside, thanks to all of my readers out there.  I appreciate the time you take out of your lives to  read about my ramblings, observations, pet-peeves, social discord and other nonsense!  And yes, the  occasional foray into inappropriateness and all things a hot mess!  You're the best.  I hope you will all be with me for the next 78 posts!

Make Every Day Count...


  1. The Quilting Slut - There has got to be a Lifetime Channel movie begging for that title . . .
